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Rigatoni with Vodka Primi Piatti

By Primi Piatti
7 ingredients | 1434Kcal Calories | 15 Minutes

This recipe uses Barilla Rigatoni pasta and Rao's Vodka Sauce. Very easy to make and delicious. Enjoy!

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Rigatoni with Vodka

This recipe uses Barilla Rigatoni pasta and Rao's Vodka Sauce. Very easy to make and delicious. Enjoy!

  • Utensils
    • Knife
    • Large Pot
    • Wooden Spoon
    • Spider
    • Pasta fork
  • Cook time 15 MIN
  • Servings 2

Ingredients (7 items)

  • Barilla Rigatoni Pasta

  • Rao's Vodka Sauce

  • Fresh Basil Leaves

  • Table Salt

  • Parmigiano Reggiano

  • SubIngredients


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Rigatoni with Vodka

Unpack ingredients

  • 56 Barilla Rigatoni Pasta - 112 Rao's Vodka Sauce - 142 g Parmigiano Reggiano - 2.5 Fresh Basil Leaves - 1 Table Salt -

Chop basil leaves

  • 2.5 Fresh Basil Leaves -
  • Knife -

Add 2 quarts of water in a pot. Add salt and bring to a boil.

  • 1 Table Salt -
  • Large Pot -

Add pasta to boiling water and cook for 11 minutes.

  • 56 Barilla Rigatoni Pasta -

Add sauce to a small pot and warm with low heat.

  • 112 Rao's Vodka Sauce -
  • Wooden Spoon -

Once pasta boils, remove pasta from large pot and add to sauce pan. Mix pasta and sauce.

  • Spider -

Dish pasta on a plate or in a bowl. Add cheese, basil leaves and drizzle some olive oil to taste.

  • 142 g Parmigiano Reggiano - 2.5 Fresh Basil Leaves -