How does it work

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  • Search through our ever expanding library of ingredients & select what's needed for your recipe.

  • Upload pictures and videos to guide customers through the recipe.

  • Publish your recipe and earn royalties for each one sold, either as a mealkit or takeout .

Why join us?

Kitchensie is a platform built for everyone, from home cooks to professional chefs. Using this platform, you can start monentizing your creativity with minimal effort. Thanks to Kitchensie API integration we provide opportunities for you to connect with socials, hospitals, gyms, hotels, airlines & many more large institutions.


Minimal start-up costs


Traditional restaurants are limited to a number of suppliers and ingredients limiting their control of quality.

Virtual Kitchen owners can select from a variety of suppliers and ingredients ensuring a high quality recipe.

Kitchensie allows complete transparency by minimizing inefficiencies in the food chain. Chefs can connect directly to suppliers/farmers to get the ingredients they want in their recipes.

Higher potential profit with less risk.

A traditional restaurant's average margin is 3%.

You can earn similar margins with minual or no start up costs.

Access to nationwide customers

Traditional restaurants rely on foot traffic to connect with consumers with Kitchensie, your recipe will be available to all our customers. whenever we have operations. our ability to integrate with corporate entities through our API gives your recipes exponential reach by selling in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, airlines etc.

Partner with us as a supplier for proprietary sauces and seasonings for any of your recipes. You control production and send us ingredients.

Connect with consumers in real time

Schedule events to cook recipes live with buyers of that week.

Ability for customers to book you privately for a cooking lesson.

Popular Virtual Kitchensie